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Unique Restaurants for Reunion in Bandung

You can find many great restaurants for Lebaran reunion in Bandung where you can eat while reconnect with your old friends.

For many people, Lebaran is the time of the year to catch up with loved people from the past. As life moves people forward, they sometimes have to leave loved people behind. Lebaran is a great time to reconnect. You can do so comfortably in several restaurants for Lebaran reunion in Bandung.

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Kapulaga Indonesian Bistro. via Instagram/kapulaga.bdg

As you might know, Bandung is a great culinary city. There are many great restaurants and you can practically find whatever food you want to eat in this city. Here are some of the best restaurants for Lebaran reunion in Bandung, where you can comfortably eat and reconnect with your old friends.

Captain’s Seafood

Captain’s Seafood. via Instagram/captainsseafood

You probably can guess what kind of restaurant this is from its name. The actual building of Captain’s Seafood is simple, rather minimalistic. However, the ship theme is everywhere to see. The restaurant is big enough to accommodate a massive gathering. Furthermore, the seafood here is delicious and affordable. This is a great place not only for dining but also for hanging out with friends, especially if you love seafood. This restaurant is at Jl. Soka No.17, Merdeka, Sumur Bandung, Bandung.

Nanny Pavillon’s Home

Nanny’s Pavillon. via Instagram/bsdp_photography

This restaurant has a very sweet and cute interior. The concept is that you can choose which ‘room’ you want to dine in. There are a bedroom, dining room, playroom, garden, and even bathroom-themed venue. The restaurant is indeed trying to provide the most comfortable gathering place for its customers. Nanny Pavillon’s Home mostly serves western food. The address is at RE Martadinata No.127, Cihapit, Bandung.

Saka Bistro & Bar

Saka Bistro & Bar. via Instagram/sakabistrobar

When you walk into this restaurant, you will enter a somewhat contradictory sensation. You are entering a beautifully constructed structure but it is so open you think it is also part of the greenery surrounding it. You can have western and Indonesian dishes. As the name implies, they also serve alcoholic drinks. This bistro is at Jl. Karangsari No.2, Pasteur, Sukajadi, Bandung.

Brother Jonn & Son

Brother Jonn & Son. via Instagram/brother_jonn

This is a food truck with a lot of twists. It serves American fast food mainly hamburgers and fries. However, it’s not simply selling delicious burgers. Furthermore, the actual truck is moving art. It has a retro style with cute blue and white paint. It is parked in front of a house with a huge yard, essentially providing you with an outdoor eating experience, great for chatting with friends. This nice truck is located at Jl. Ciumbuleuit No.107, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, Bandung.

Kapulaga Indonesian Bistro

Kapulaga Indonesian Bistro. via instagram/kapulaga.bdg

A family restaurant, Kapulaga even have an outdoor playground for children. This restaurant is a rather popular venue for events like wedding, engagements, etc. Its open dining areas, its spacious yard, and the trees around making it a great place to eat and hang out with friends. Even small kids will love this place. Kapulaga Indonesian Bistro is at Jl. Dayang Sumbi No.3, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Bandung.

Saka Bistro & Bar. via Instagram/sakabistrobar

There are many place where you can have small reunions with your old friends in Bandung. You can find many great restaurants for Lebaran reunion in Bandung where you can eat while reconnect. Next

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