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Exploring Secret Islands in East Lombok

Here are some of th beautiful secret islands on the East Lombok.

Secret Islands in East Lombok
Secret Islands in East Lombok

The island of Lombok is surrounded by many beautiful islands. The most famous ones is of course the three Gilis in the northwest of the island (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air). The Sekotong area in the southwest of Lombok also has many beautiful small islands.

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Gili Kondo. via Instagram/kiamkana

You can also find wonderful small islands in the eastern part of Lombok. There are several secret islands located in the Alas Strait that separates the island of Lombok and the island of Sumbawa. Here are some of those beautiful secret islands.

Gili Lampu

Gili Lampu. via Instagram/liburpedia

This island is also often referred to as Gili Petagan. This island is the largest among the other islands around it. Gili Petagan is a mangrove island that is quite extensive and can only be explored by boat. There are many fishermen offering services to explore Gili Petagan, getting through each channel between the mangroves there.

Exploring the island. via Instagram/

a more thorough exploration can only be done when the tide is high because when the water recedes, the boat won’t move. The waters around Gili Petagan are filled with green seaweed.

Gili Kapal

The amazing Gili Kapal. via Instagram/islandnesia

This is a very small island and will disappear when the high tide. This white sand island will only be seen when the middle sea water recedes. Its existence seems like an oasis in the middle of a blue sea. When this island appears, you get around it in just under 5 minutes.

Beautiful oasis. via Instagram/estpr

There is nothing but soft white sand on this island. The waters are very shallow with waves that are almost non-existent, making it an ideal place for swimming or snorkeling.

Gili Bidara

Gili Bidara dock. via Instagram/xplorelomboktourtravel

This island is the only one that is permanently inhabited. There are several families who built houses on this island. They work as farmers and fishermen, planting sweet potatoes and sesame on this island. Overall, Gili Bidara is relatively small, has an arid climate, and surrounded by beautiful beaches.

Gili Bidara. via Instagram/bunirfan

Like most of its surrounding islands, Gili Bidara waters are also protected from large waves and are ideal for relaxing swimming and snorkeling.

Gili Kondo

Gili Kondo. via Instagram/visitlombokk

This small island is dominated by white sand, few trees, and only a few cottages for tourist lodging. Other than that, you cannot find any resident at all on this island. The island is also a place for coral reef conservation.

Snorkeling at Gili Kondo. via Instagram/wan_candy096

With extraordinary underwater wealth, the tourism potential on Gili Kondo is indeed very large. Snorkeling and diving can be done almost any time because of calm waters and good visibility all year long.


having fun at Gili Kapal. via Instagram/putureza

The islands here are perfect for a one-day tour. To reach these islands, if you are on the island of Lombok, then you have to drive to Sambelia in East Lombok first. From Mataram, you will need about 2 hours’ drive by car to get to Sambelia.

The trip will be comfortable as the roads are good. From Sambelia, you can rent a boat that will take you to the Gilis. You will be escorted to each Gili to enjoy its beauty.

Wonderful colors. via Instagram/shantie_syifa

You can do Island hopping in East Lombok in just one day. This experience will be very special because almost all the islands here are indeed very beautiful and uninhabited. This spot is not popular yet so you will most likely be able to enjoy them comfortably without the risk of them being overcrowded with tourists. Next


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