Seram is the biggest island in Maluku. Located to the north of Ambon, this island is a huge producer of spices. One of the most popular spice from Seram and the surrounding area is the local walnut (kenari). This walnut is an important aspect in the region’s culinary, including snacks from Seram Island.
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There are several delicious snacks you can enjoy at Seram. Most of them are using local ingredients like walnut or sago. Here are some of the tastiest snacks from Seram Island.
Roti Kering Kenari

This delicious snack has the shape of a loaf of bread. The brad usually has a topping of walnuts and sugar. The texture is crisp and has a delicious savory taste. In a way, it tastes very similar to almonds. Because this cake is baked, it can last for quite a long time. That is why this cake is a very popular souvenir.
Nasi Jaha

Nasi Jaha’s main ingredients are from sticky rice and coconut milk. It is then wrapped in young banana leaves and then put into a bamboo cylinder. After that, the bamboo is slowly grilled on top of a fire. The bamboo can be as long as 30 to 50 centimeters. Since this snack is mostly carbohydrate-rich rice, it can be very fulfilling. Try not to eat too much even though it is very delicious.
Gogos Ikan

The appearance of gogos ikan is really similar to a lemper. In a way, it is similar to lemper. Both are using sticky rice with a savory filling. In lemper, you usually get shredded chicken. However, in gogos ikan, you get shredded and ground fish. It tastes really tasty though, and it has a great aroma, thanks to the banana leaf wrapping.
Halua Kenari

This delicious snack is prepared from a mixture of brown sugar and walnuts. It obviously tastes sweet and savory. The texture is hard but crunchy. Halua Kenari is also quite popular among people who are on a diet. Diet halua kenari uses less sugar, with far more dominant nuts. These walnuts have many nutritional benefits because they are low in fat but rich in protein.
Lempeng Sagu

Apart from walnuts, people in this region also consume a lot of sago. One of the cakes made mostly with sago is lempeng sagu. The main ingredient of the cake is sago flour. It is made in a special mold made of clay called forana. This cake is great to complete your afternoon tea or coffee.

Seram Island has a lot of beautiful places. However, you have more reasons to visit this island; they have lots of delicious foods over there. Snacks from Seram Island are delicious as well as nutritious. Next