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Es Daluman, Fresh Grass Jelly Drink from Bali

Es daluman is a refreshing grass jelly drinks from Bali. As long as the seller uses the expected ingredient, this drinks should be safe for anyone.

Cincau, or grass jelly, is a popular refreshing delicacy in Indonesia. Originally from China, this jelly has become one of the mainstays in Indonesia’s traditional drinks. You can find it almost everywhere in the country. In Bali, it is called Es Daluman.

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Beautiful color gradation. via Instagram/igustiayuandinamaharani

Of course, you will not only enjoy the grass jelly in that drink but also other ingredients. One of the most features of grass jelly is its dark green color. Es Daluman is also the same. Using cincau as the main ingredient, this icy drink is very popular in Bali. Here is all you need to know about Es Daluman.

What’s in there?

A lot of ingredients in one glass. via Instagram/kokocelamitan

As every region in Indonesia has its own way to prepare cincau, there might be no right or exact way to prepare it. Es daluman, for example, uses kolang-kaling, coconut milk, palm sugar, lemongrass, and lime.  You can easily buy those ingredients in most markets in Bali. If you just want to just enjoy it, you can also buy it from many vendors on the island.

How to make it

The grass jelly is dominant in this one. via Instagram/waroengdoublea_bali

The first ingredient you must have is the grass jelly. If you buy from the market, it is usually still in a big block so you have to cut it accordingly. The coconut milk is a bit difficult to prepare because you have to grill the coconut first before milking it. After you prepare all of the ingredients, you just need to put them in a serving glass. Don’t forget to save a room for ice cubes because this drink is really delicious when cold.

Healthy properties

Different flavors. via Instagram/kokocelamitan

Some people believe that Es Daluman has a lot of healthy properties. It is believed that es daluman can cure Body Heatiness and its symptoms. Sore throat and digestive problems are some of them. Daluman is also good to lower the blood pressure. Additionally, it also has a detoxification effect.

It’s everywhere

It’s a good companion for your meal. via Instagram/pemakusalo_kho_purwanto_k

You can find es daluman seller almost everywhere in Bali. The first tip to remember is to pay attention to the cleanliness of the stall. Some roadside stalls already have good hygiene, some are not so much. Be sure to only buy it from the clean sellers. You can also enjoy this drink in many restaurants in Bali. They may not be the star drink, but they are always there.

A refreshing ice drink. via Instagram/gungmaslathifah

Nowadays, you can even find instant and packaged es daluman. The safest way to enjoy es daluman is trying them at a big restaurant. As long as the seller uses the expected ingredient, this drinks should be safe for anyone. Next

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