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Visiting the Center of the Universe in Pusering Jagat Temple

Pura Pusering Jagat is considered as the center of the universe by Balinese.

Pura Puersing Bumi. via Instagram/

Balinese Hindu are known to be devoted religious people that stay true to their root. Even though Bali is flocked with tourists from all parts of the world, the people there seems to be relatively unaffected. Balinese tolerate the tourists while maintaining the integrity of their culture well.

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Barongs and offerings. via Instagram/dekwijaya

Hinduism practiced by Balinese has several differences compared to those practiced in India. For instance, Balinese celebrates many ceremonies that are unknown in India. Balinese also has unique temples, including Pura Pusering Jagat, the center of the universe.


The gate of the temple. via Instagram/waroe.soeryawan

Pura Pusering Jagat is located on Pejeng Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency. It is approximately 15 kilometers to the north of Ubud or 30 kilometers to the north of Denpasar. The road to this temple is very good already, you will have no problem reaching it. From Denpasar, you probably need less than an hour’s drive to get to this temple.

The Names

The temple during a ceremony. via Instagram/kantuawa

This temple is known by many names; apart from Pura Pusering Jagat, it is also known as Pura Kelod and Pura Pusering Tasik. Those three names are somehow related to each other. Pusering Jagat means the center of the universe. Pusering Tasik means the center of the ocean, while Kelod means to the sea (south).

The temple complex. via Instagram/dedek_delonge

Locals believe that this temple is indeed the center of the universe. This temple is, after all, one of the highly important Pura Kahyangan Jagat. In Hindu Cosmology, this temple is the dwelling place of Lord Shiva. Some historians theorize that this temple is the holy water site for the ancient kingdom in Bali.

The Altars

An altar of Purusa and Pradana. vai Instagram/madewedastra

There are three altars (pelinggih) in this temple. Pelinggih Ratu Sidhakarya is used to worship God and make the believers have a better work ethic. Pelinggih Purusa and Pradana is a symbol of human private parts, representing the harmonious life. The main altar is Pelinggih Ratu Pusering Jagat where Lord Shiva resides.

The Architecture

Cockfighting arena. via Instagram/dwipayanacool

Pura Pusering Jagat is an ancient temple, meaning lots of the buildings here were built in ancient times. The temple has many gates (candi bentar) that ultimately lead to the main temple and altar. There are also lots of frangipani flower trees. There is also a cockfighting arena even though it is not being used anymore.

The temple is quite open. via Instagram/

Pura Pusering Jagat is a unique temple, often used as a venue of big ceremonies in Tampaksiring. This temple is open to anyone and is at its most beautiful during ceremonies, where many spectacular offerings are placed in its halls. Next


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