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Rancabali, the Classic Green Paradise at South Bandung

Rancabali is a wonderful area to vist in South Bandung.

Pinisi Resto. via instagram/

Bandung never stopped innovating to increase tourist visits to their area. In Bandung, you can find almost all types of tourist destinations. All except natural beaches.

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The absence shoreline actually made tourism industry in Bandung become more creative to attract tourists. One of the best examples can be seen on the Rancabali. This area is naturally quite beautiful, but then it is developed even more to be more attractive with the many tourist magnets. Here are some of them.

Rancabali Tea Plantation

Rancabali Tea Plantation. via Instagram/infobdgcom

The Rancabali tea plantation has a cool climate and is located at an altitude of 1628 m above sea level. You can find a typical view of a tea plantation here with winding roads, green hills, and a stretch of tea plants.

To reach Situ Patenggang, you must drive through this tea plantation. But don’t worry, your trip will be fun because, along the way, your eyes will be spoiled with a refreshing scenic view.

Situ Patenggang

Situ Patenggang. via Instagram/buang.waktu

Situ Patenggang is a lake on the top of a hill. This lake is well-preserved and has been used continuously since the Dutch colonial era. There are many myths and legends that shroud this lake. Surrounded by green hills, this lake is also one of the main sources of drinking water and irrigation for the surrounding area. You can relax and enjoy the tranquility of this lake from its shores. You can also explore the lake by renting a boat.

The Pinisi Resto

Pinisi resto. via Instagram/dirgagilang

When visiting Situ Patenggang, you can also get a special culinary experience at Pinisi Resto. As the name suggests, this restaurant is in the form of a ship that is located on a hill with unobstructed views of its surrounding.

You can enjoy the tranquility of Situ Patenggang or the green hills that surrounds it while enjoying the food here. Almost all tourists who come to this restaurant immortalize their experiences by taking pictures like Leonard DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic.

Glamping Rancabali

Glamping Lakeside Rancabali. via Instagram/mteddykurniawan

If you want to stay longer to enjoy the beauty of Situ Patenggang and the surrounding area, you can book a room in the Glamping (glamor camping) Lakeside Ciwidey. There are many tents set up on the shore of the lake, the ideal place to relax while enjoying the beautiful scenery there. You will get complete amenities similar to a luxury hotel, with a warm bed, soft mattresses, electricity, and Wi-Fi.

Pinisi Resto. via Instagram/haiicut

In Rancabali, you can find lovely tea plantation, beautiful natural lakes, and soothing hills. Normally, most entities that manage this kind of tourist attraction will be quite happy with what they have. Not in Rancabali. Here, all facilities are improved, access is made easy, and great amenities are added. Next

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