Soil fertility plays an important part in developing tourism in Bandung. From dense forests, green tea plantations, to beautiful flower gardens, all exist in Bandung because the land is so fertile that any plant will easily grow here.
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One of the tourist attractions that is taking the advantage of soil fertility in Bandung area is Begonia Park Lembang. Here, you can find a garden with lots of beautiful flowers from many species. Let us present a quick guide to Begonia Park Lembang.
Begonia Park Background

Since its inception, Begonia Park was established as an effort to enrich floricultural diversity in Bandung. The name Begonia Park was taken because initially the park was dominated by balinea, a Begonia flower species originating from the island of Bali, which has very beautiful shapes and colors.

However, there are many other species of flowers in this park. There are celosia, Melampodium, geranium, Salvia, and many other beautiful flowers. All are arranged in such a way that you will be able to enjoy stunning colors combination wherever you look.
Extremely Instagramable

Begonia Park is a magnet for flower enthusiasts from all over Indonesia. Many tourists come with the aim to learn how to take care of the flowers properly. Some others come to find inspirations for their gardens at home.

For the general public, Begonia Park is a paradise for taking beautiful photos. There are lots of beautiful and interesting spots that are perfect for taking pictures. The park management made various photogenic platforms with the sole intention to increase its popularity. And it works perfectly.
Great for families

Aside from being a photography heaven, Begonia Park is also a great place for family vacation. This park is children-friendly and is a great educational place to introduce your kids to various species of flowers.
In fact, everyone can learn all about flowers in this park. Various s facilities such as cafes, toilets, and even vegetable gardens can also be found here.
Picking vegetables and fruit

Begonia Park also has a special area for growing vegetables and fruit. You can even pick those fruit and vegetables directly from the garden. You can handpick chili, corn, tomatoes, strawberries, eggplants, and various other plants.
After collecting vegetables and fruit, you can even cook them directly in the area provided in this park. Alternatively, you can bring those fresh vegetables and fruit home.

As with many tourist destinations in Lembang, Begonia Park is very much accessible with any overland vehicle. When you are in Bandung, this park is a must-visit destination, especially if you love flowers. Next