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Feisty but Fertile Sangiang Volcanic Island

Sangiang Island is a wonderful volcanic island. It is still feisty because the volcano is still active and yet the area has wonderful panorama.

Sangiang is a volcanic island located in the Flores Sea. Mount Sangiang, at 1,949 meters above sea level is an active volcano. It has erupted in 1992, 1994, 1997 and 2010, and lastly in 2013. Sangiang was designated as a Nature Reserve in 2009. It is a very unique island, indeed.

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The island from afar. via Instagram/markthomasimages

As a national reserve, the entire island is protected from any modern exploitation. However, tourism is a welcome industry because it doesn’t bring a negative effect on the ecosystem. Sangiang Island and the surrounding waters have a very healthy and unique life. Here is all you need to know about Sangiang Island.

Location and how to get there

You need a boat to get to this island. via instagram/ayangsyaifullah

Administratively, this island is part of the Wera District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Based on the Minutes of Border Arrangement from the Sub-BIPHUT Office, the area of the Sangiang Island Nature Reserve is 7,492.2 hectares. If you start from Mataram, you will need 17 hours to reach this island. First, you have to go overland to Bima for 12 hours. Then you go to Wera for 2.5 hours, before eventually ride a boat for two and a half hour more.

Myths and Legends

There are myth and legends surrounding this island. via Instagram/expedisi_sangiang_api

There are a lot of myths and legends regarding this island. Some say that the island was the reason why sea water is salty. The most common legend says that there were two traders who met at Sangiang; namely Safiri Gadi and Safiri Sango. They both have animal crews. The fought until it was only the two of them remains. They then realized that they were long lost, brothers. Their crew was resurrected and their ship became the mountain.

What’s on there?

Beautiful panorama of the island. via Instagram/aif_95

Sangiang has a lot of unique and endemic flora and fauna. Practically, this island is uninhabited. However, there are some seasonal farmers who come here in a certain month to farm. The land here is very fertile. The main and original resident of this island is the deer. They are protected from wild hunting.


Climbing the volcano. via Instagram/moment_pendek

There are actually many activities you can do on this island. However, due to the volcanic nature of the mountain, only a handful of people can get here. Trekking and hiking are possible on the island. On the sea, your option is even more abundant. You can swim, snorkel, kayaking, sailing, or even yachting. Unfortunately, you must bring your own equipment here.

The colorful underwater life in Sangiang. via Instagram/bengalboy69

Sangiang Island is a wonderful volcanic island. It is still feisty because the volcano is still active and yet the area has wonderful panorama as well as abundant marine life. Next

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